Formatting Essay Topics


Formatting Essay Topics

An essay is, in general, a written piece that presents the author’s argument, but sometimes the definition is very vague, encompassing all these things: a personal narrative, an academic paper, a novel, pamphlets, and even a short story. Essays are historically always formal and academic. They used to be written by prominent university or college professors. Nowadays, most essays are written by students at schools or colleges themselves. In this manner, the content is quite different from the typical one found in novels or short stories. The main purpose of the essay is to present information and facts in support of the arguments of the author.

The most important part of the essay is the introduction. This is where the writer gathers his/her facts and thoughts in support of the argument he/she is going to write. One of the most important parts of the introduction is the thesis statement, which is the central argument of the essay. The thesis statement is often the single most difficult part of the essay, as it is the most important part of the essay. The writer must be sure, however, that his/her thesis is founded on solid and verifiable facts, so that the rest of the essay can be written without any problems.

After the introduction, the main body of the essay consists of five-paragraph expository essay writing. This is a very lengthy type of essay writing and usually is divided into two parts: a descriptive essay, which describes the subject or topic of the essay; and an argumentative essay, which provides the actual argument of the essay. Essays written in this style usually cover wide and varied topics, such as philosophy, history, technology, human resources, business, and science.

A descriptive essay normally presents only general background information about its topic. It begins with the statement of the problem or issue and then goes on to describe the subject. A descriptive essay generally has one paragraph, although some may have two or more depending on its length. The other paragraphs usually contain the thesis statement and the related arguments. The thesis statement is the crux of the essay, as it is the most important part of the essay and often rests on some supporting evidence or argument.

The argument is usually central to the argument of the essay. However, there are many types of argument. Many are available, such as scientific arguments, political, social, economic, ethical, and other naturalistic arguments. Some of these arguments have the added advantage of being applicable to a wide range of subjects. For example, when dealing with a subject like technology, the arguments can be classified according to their general nature (technical, philosophical, logical, etc. ).

Finally, the last paragraph of any essay is the conclusion. Most conclusions will either discuss what the essay concluded (the main point) or offer some advice on what should be done next (what to avoid, what worked for me, etc). However, some conclusions simply state the final conclusion and leave the reader with some advice to remember. In a nutshell, the conclusion is the place for one last statement.