Whether you are a student or a seasoned professional, an article is something that you will likely be asked to write for one reason or another. It may be used for research purposes or as a reference tool. While writing an article, there are a few important things to remember. These include choosing the right topic, citations, and following the rules of the game.
The best way to go about choosing a topic is to choose something that is both interesting and writable. The essay is a writing assignment, so it is important to be able to express your thoughts in a clear and concise manner. The topic you choose should also be interesting to you, or you will have a difficult time keeping your interest.
The most successful articles are backed by solid research. A good way to start your research is to look at your library’s catalogue to see what books have been published about the topic. You may also wish to browse through websites to get a feel for how other people are talking about the subject. An article may also be accompanied by a corresponding bibliography or footnote.
The best essay may have to do with a topic that you know about. For example, a college student may have read an article on the history of gun control and decide to write an article about it. The article may be about one period in American history, or it may focus on different times of the nation’s history. The topic you choose may also be more personal in nature. A college student may wish to write about his or her parents’ military service, or their own experience as a teenager.
The best articles are ones that are short, preferably less than one page long. They also make use of the most relevant data to provide a more in-depth analysis. A good article may include quotations from experts.
The best articles use a well-chosen quote to illustrate the topic. This is especially important if the topic is a controversial topic. The article should also contain a few factual statements to demonstrate the author’s research. Generally, articles are written in a scholarly manner, but some can be lighthearted and humorous. A quality article should also use the correct citations to avoid plagiarism.
The best articles are also the most readable. The best articles may be short, but they are usually written on a topic that you are interested in. This makes for an engaging read, which is exactly what you want. In other words, the best articles are the ones that make you think.
The best articles contain the most important facts about a topic, as well as the best arguments to support the author’s ideas. For example, the best article on gun control may include statistics, a brief history of gun control, and a few personal stories. It also may contain a few notable quotes from a number of expert sources. It may be written in a formal or informal manner, but it should not be too long or wordy.